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    Birmingham student leader says media shouldn't focus on violent minority

    Guest Blogger Kat Higgs of Birmingham City Students' Union is disappointed with media coverage of demo2010.

    No Ifs, No Buts, NO EDUCATION CUTS!

    The energy and excitement amongst the student protesters yesterday at the NUS/ UCU demo was overwhelming. Marching in a crowd of over 50,000 students all in unity was something you don’t experience every day! There were thousands of banners and placards all expressing disappointment, anger and betrayal and broken promises. The message was clear- students wanted to DO something about it and stand up for fairness and equal rights to education.

    The march was enjoyable with 130 Birmingham City University students amongst 50,000 wanting their voice to be heard. Only a small minority of people attempted to ruin what was a peaceful demo with their shameful behaviour. Birmingham City Students’ Union heavily opposes an increase in tuition fees and education cuts but in no way supports the disgraceful actions of the minority yesterday.

    I’m so proud of Birmingham City students for taking part in the biggest student march of a generation. I was looking forward to seeing the overwhelming number of students peacefully marching through the streets of London, standing up for future student generations shown all over the news. I came home to find headlines of ‘student yobs’ and videos of ‘riots’ what was just a minute part of such an otherwise magnificent day.

    It’s a shame that the media have decided to focus on the actions of a minority, which included students and non-students, young and old and University staff and overlook the fact that over 50,000 students and academic staff took to the streets of London to stand up for what is an unfair step backwards in the UK education system, for a more sensationalist, negative approach.

    As part of Birmingham City Students’ Union, I will continue to fight the rise in tuition fees and education cuts. It was their generation who caused this, so why should we pay for it?

    Kat Higgs
    Communications Officer  | Birmingham City Students' Union

    Follow me on twitter @BCUcomms

    Posted by Birmingham Budget Cuts on 4:33 PM. Filed under , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0

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