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    Data breakdown of potential job losses in Birmingham Constituencies

    The likelihood of losing your job as a result of the budget cutting exercise currently underway at Birmingham City Council appears to depend on where you work, according to data in the latest Section 188 redundancy notice.

    In the Constituencies, your prospects are rosier, for example, if you work in Selly Oak or Edgbaston compared to Hall Green or Ladywood.

    Section 188 Notice

    As we reported last week, the council has issued two new Section 188 redundancy notices covering the Housing and Constituencies Directorate.

    The potential redundancies detailed below pertain only to the Constituencies portion of the directorate and include the following service areas:

    •community and play
    •sports and leisure
    •ward support
    •management and administration
    •constituency engineers
    •school crossing patrols

    Breaking down the job losses

    The following bar graph was created using data from one of the S. 188 notices.  It shows 173 potential job losses in the Constituencies portfolio and breaks them down according to geographical area.

    Overall, the data indicates 94 people risk losing their position in Hall Green, versus two in Selly Oak, one in Northfield and 0 in Sutton Coldfield.

    If you click on the legend on the left you can also see the number of people at risk (173) vs. the number of posts (90.3) indicating some of the job losses are part-time positions.


    Raw data for the graph can be found here.

    The second bar graph demonstrates you are much less likely to lose your job if you're in management (one redundancy) than, for example, sports and leisure (113 redundancies) where many of the job losses  appear to target hourly paid workers.

     This visualization breaks down the redundancies according to service. Once again, by clicking on the left, you can see the breakdown of the number of people vs. posts.

    F8465844-e986-11df-8ac9-000255111976 Raw data for the graph can be found here.

    Birmingham City Council was contacted for an explanation of why potential job losses are unequal across constituencies and why so many jobs have been targeted in sports and leisure versus management.  A spokesperson declined the opportunity to comment at this time.

    Council is required by law to issue Section 188 notices whenever more than 20 jobs are at risk. They trigger a mandatory consultation process with the unions which, in this case, was set for 90 days and proposed to begin on Oct. 27th.

    Mitigation Strategies

    Birmingham City Council indicates in the notice that all reasonable steps will be taken to avoid or reduce the number of proposed redundancies and to mitigate the effects when jobs are actually lost. This includes:

    •recruitment controls to maximize redeployment of at-risk staff
    •using In-Source services to explore suitable alternative employment with BCC, with training
    •outplacement support to help staff transition to roles outside the organisation
    •voluntary early retirement

    Following consultation with the unions, the Housing and Constituencies Directore has also introducd options for:

    •deleting posts through natural wastage wherever possible
    •holding available vacancies for potentially displaced staff
    •reducing the usage of agency and temporary staff

    Check in the near future for more data on potential job losses.

    Posted by Birmingham Budget Cuts on 2:59 PM. Filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0

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