Birmingham Council plans to shed 7,116 full-time jobs, 37% of non-schools work force
Birmingham Council has released its plan to cut £300 million from the city budget over the next four years and it anticipates the loss of 7,116 full-time non-school jobs which equals 37% of the Council work force.
When part-time jobs are factored in, total job losses rise to 10,000.
3,700 full-time jobs will be shed through voluntary and compulsory redundancy and early retirement. 2,937 jobs will be “transferred out” to mutuals or cooperatives. 475 jobs will be cut through natural turnover.
The figures are contained in a consultation paper released late yesterday afternoon. The savings target is slightly less than was estimated several months ago but it still means Birmingham Council, must find savings equivalent to £300,000 per day for the next four years
Council says the cuts are required due to an anticipated 28% decrease in the grant from central government.
Chief Executive Stephen Hughes said Birmingham must do its part to reduce the national deficit.
“It’s clear from that we can’t make the savings in the traditional way, by looking at eliminating waste and inefficiency. Yes we do have to eliminate waste and inefficiency, nobody doubts that But we’ve also got to do some fundamental service redesign,” Hughes said.
Here is a breakdown of proposed budget cuts to be made by 2014/15:
• one third of required savings, £100 million, to be made through reductions of administration, management and professional services such as Human Resources and Finance
Adults and Communities: £106.9 m
• funded service only for the most severely disabled adults
• rely on communities and voluntary sector to do the rest
• cuts based on premise that vast majority of people can contribute through their own resources and skills
• better access to information and advice
• focus on preventative care and health
• rely on communities and voluntary sector to do the rest
• cuts based on premise that vast majority of people can contribute through their own resources and skills
• better access to information and advice
• focus on preventative care and health
Children, Young People and Families -- £62 million
• reduced number of referrals and children in care
• services to focus on children with complex needs
• delivery of appropriate services via children's centres, schools and colleges
• schools cleaning, catering, music services, outdoor services and health education to be moved to a social enterprise
• cutting administration 30%
Corporate Resources £28.4 million
• restructure the directorate to achieve savings higher than average in order to focus resources on front line services
Environment and Culture -- £ 41.6 million
• redesign delivery of fleet and waste management, museum programs and community and play
• £2.5 million in cuts to arts organizations
• £5.3 million in cuts to library, sports, community and play services
• consider placing museums in a trust
• £ 1 million in cuts to floral enhancements
Development - £11.5 million
• redesign to focus on securing economic success and global competitiveness
• take forward Big City Plan proposals but reduce capacity for smaller scale projects
• may be necessary to cease delivery of some disability employment services
Housing and Constituencies £26.9 million
• changing management structure to prevent overlap and duplication
• will focus on statutory services
The consultation paper contains 70 ideas for saving money submitted by Birmingham Council staff. The proposals are not final, but rather a work in progress as Council is asking for public input before final decisions are made in March.
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