About Us
This website was created to shine a spotlight on the impact of public spending cuts in Birmingham. This has been an extraordinary year for budget cuts in the UK and the belt tightening is not expected to end any time soon. Information about the effect of the cuts in Birmingham is coming out in dribs and drabs, however, which makes it difficult to assess their overall impact.
What we’re trying to do with this website is provide a glimpse of the bigger picture, by aggregating information about cuts to jobs and services in Birmingham. You can help us by checking out our map where we are collating information on the cuts. Take a look at the cuts we’ve posted on the map so far and then email us with your own information to be added to the map.
This website was created by Andrew Watt and Hedy Korbee who are students in the MA Online Journalism program at Birmingham City University. Although students, Andrew and Hedy have collectively spent just over 50 years in the world of work. This is a news website and not a blog containing personal opinions.
Hedy Korbee is a journalist and documentary series producer from Toronto who currently resides in Birmingham. She also teaches journalism at Humber College in Toronto.
Andrew Watt has worked for over 20 years in the public sector and understands the pressures, constraints and frustrations of working within the organization as well as the benefits. He has founded and run a number of successful websites both professionally and privately. Andrew has also written a couple of plays, had football articles published and presented a number of local radio shows, as well as appearing on television and national radio discussing footballing issues.
Contact us:
Twitter: @brumbudgetcuts
Facebook: Birmingham Budget Cuts